Visceral Synthesis – San Diego

Sign up for classes in the series by August 31st for an early bird discount!
Pelvis: September 23rd & 24th 9am-5pm
Thorax: January 27th & 28th 9am-5pm
Nervous system: April 20th & 21st 9am-5pm
Recommended coursework:While not required, prior enrollment in  Intro to Visceral (Abdomen Class) or CST 1 with Dr. Greg is highly recommended. This is because Dr. Greg covers an important assessment tool called Listening, which will be utilized in the other classes. If you have any inquiries regarding enrollment, please feel free to email me at[email protected].
$350 per weekend class before August 31st.
$400 per weekend class after August 31st.
Location: Bastyr San Diego B Building
To register please email me at [email protected] 
Tell me which class you would like to take- which pre-requisite you took and confirm the location you are signing up for